Sunday, October 20, 2013

Livin' la vida loca

Last weekend I visited the most beautiful place I have ever been to…Portugal. We left at 7 in the morning on Friday and 6 hours later we arrived in Albufeira, Portugal. Me and some of my friends signed up for the trip through a program called We  Love Spain which was awesome because they booked our hotels and planned all of our activities for us. All of our hotel rooms were mini apartments with full kitchens and living rooms. It was so nice. The first day there we went on a speed boat tour along the coast. The views were absolutely breathtaking. I did not feel like real life. The speed boat then brought us to a pirate ship in the water which we got to jump off of into the ocean. Because it is October the water is starting to get cold, but not cold enough to prevent me from going in!

That night instead of going out to eat we all took a trip to the supermarket and contributed to a big family meal. We had so much food and it was so nice hanging out all together. We met a lot of people who was on the trip, mostly students from America, France and the Netherlands who are studying in Sevilla, Spain. We became good friends with Gonzalo who was one of the trip advisors for We Love Spain and a couple from the United States who are on a month long vacation to Spain. That night we went on a bar crawl through the town. One of the bars had bartenders who would stand on top of the bar and do crazy awesome tricks throwing and juggling bottles. Another had a mechanical bull which I couldn’t resist. Fortunately along with Portuguese people also speak English in Portugal. You would think this was a nice break but being in a Spanish mindset we often still tried to speak Spanish to people and not realize our mistake until people looked at us confused because they don't speak Spanish.

The next day we had to wake up early to take a bus to Cabo Sao Vicente also referred to as “the end of the world” because before Christopher Columbus discovered America, Europeans thought this was where the world ended. This was pretty cool especially since the day we were there was the anniversary of when Columbus found the new world.

After we spent the rest of the day in Lagos and then another night out on the town.

Sunday we spent the morning at yet another beach before heading back to Granada. We didn’t get back until 1 in the morning on Monday and then I had to be up for an 8:30 class. I was beyond exhausted but it was completely worth it because the weekend I spent in Portugal was probably the most fun weekend I have ever had.

Wednesday and Thursday afternoons I volunteer at El Colegio Caja Granada. Last week when I went it was kind of just an introduction so this week was when I really got to start working with the students. I’m there as a native English speaker to help them learn the language, specifically with pronunciation. On Wednesdays I’m in a 5th grade science class. The teacher asked me to read the notes on the board (written in English) out loud to the class so they can hear how it is suppose to sound. After I finished reading the board all the students clapped like it was the coolest thing they have ever heard. It is funny and I can relate to them learning English because I’m doing the same thing working on Spanish. On Thursdays I am in a 2nd grade class. These little kids are the cutest things I have ever seen! I would say different colors and shapes out loud and it was so adorable listening to them try to pronounce them. Even though I’m helping with English, volunteering I am still improving my Spanish talking to the teachers and students.

On Friday night my friends and I trekked up the Albaicín to go to a discoteca called Camborio. This wasn’t an authentic Spanish club where the locals go but is a popular place for international students. It was awesome because the club is built into the caves of the mountain side like all of the houses in the Albaicín. From the outside patio of the club you get the most breathtaking view of the Alhambra lit up at night.

Saturday night there was a festival called Noche en Blanco. This is a festival which began in Paris in 2002 as a cultural initiative. This was the first year that Granada participated. It was so cool to experience. Starting at 9 at night there were musical performances, dances and other forms of art taking place all over the city until 4 in the morning. Restaurants, bars and stores were open all night and entrance into monuments and museums were either free or reduced. We even discovered a man with a typewriter set up at the end of one of the bridges who was giving away free poems. This night made me fall in love with Granada all over again!

"Life is dodging the steps to death."

After being out for the festival last night I had low expectations for my my first 5K. The race was a Carrera Contra el Hambre, a race against hunger. I half expected to walk the 3.1 miles but completely surprised myself when I ran the entire thing in 33 minutes and 20 seconds! I would have been happy finishing in 40 minutes! I did so much better than I expected considering I probably only ran 2 times here and it was my first race ever. Now when I get back home I can start running again and signing up for more 5Ks to improve my time!

I’m so happy that I’m getting to travel to so many places while I am here but it is bittersweet because that means the less time I get to spend in Granada. I wish I could stay here forever but skyping my family and my Westfield friends today reminded me how much I miss home. I officially have passed the one month mark which means I only have about 2 months left. It is crazy how quickly time is passing—I hate it!

Abrazos y besos,

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