Monday, September 16, 2013

Peace out Boston.

So here I am, waiting at Terminal E to board Iberia flight 6168. Destination: Madrid. I never thought I'd be the person to have a blog but I really hope that I stick with this, not only for my family and friends (shout out to Ari), but for myself too. I'm still in shock that check-in went seamlessly and believe it or not my luggage was actually underweight (saving me a hefty $60 charge). I have a direct flight to Madrid where I'll spend 4 days before heading south to Granada. This semester I'll be a student at the University of Granada. On top of academics and becoming familiar with my host city I hope to be able to travel throughout Europe. A trip to Paris is already planned in November! Anxious is the only word to describe how I feel right now--the perfect combination of nervous and excited. The thing I'm most nervous about is my ability to speak and understand Spanish which conveniently is one of the most important things when living in Spain. I know I am capable of communicating fine so hopefully my fear of embarrassing myself will not hold me back. I'm positive that I'm going to make a fool of myself more than once and I'll be sure to share each ridiculous interaction on here. But I know that the more I put myself out there the better experience I will have and the better I will become at communicating in Spanish. After my 7 hour flight I'm scheduled to land in Madrid at 9:20am (3:20am here) where I'll meet up with the other API students. Thankfully I do not get flying anxiety like mom and have a nice window seat. I'll try to update this as often as possible throughout my study abroad!
Peace out Boston.

Abrazos y besos,

1 comment:

  1. LOVE THE POST <333 And my shout out! So excited for you! Besos!
